About Us

We are a living history group based in Luxembourg. 


What does 'Lucilinburhuc' mean?

Lucilinburhuc means "small castle" and is one of the old names for Luxembourg. It was first mentioned in a deed in 963, when Siegfried I, count of Ardennes traded some of his ancestral lands with the monks of the Abbey of St. Maximin in Trier for an ancient, supposedly Roman, fort named Lucilinburhuc.

Our Objective

Our members are interested in creating as accurate a reconstruction of a particular era as possible. This reconstruction covers civilian life and crafts, but can also include a military depiction.
Our members are free to choose which era and which cultural group they would like to depict, with the selection ranging from 800 BC to the 16th century. The only important thing is that the demands on the correctness of the depiction are met. Our reconstructions are as close as possible to the current state of archaeological and historical research.